1997 July 6.1 Bp Charron Letter (Bulletin Letters)

1997 July 6.1 Bp Charron Letter (Bulletin Letters)

A copy of the below letter from Bp. Charron’s was handed out after weekend Masses June 21 & 22, 1997

June 27, 1997

To: Fr. Frank Cordaro

From: Bishop Joseph Charron

Dear Frank;

Thank you for taking the time on Wednesday to meet with the Personnel Board. It was helpful to be able to seek clarification on your proposal. Thank you also for providing the other written information to help us in our decision.

The Personnel Board and I have spent the better part of two meeting reviewing your proposal. You have given it serious consideration and we wanted to do so as well. As I mentioned to you at the meeting, I wish the Personnel Board and I would have been the starting point for this discussion before the parishes became involved, be we understand your concern to make sure you keep them informed and involved.

After careful consideration, the Personnel Board has recommended to me that we maintain the original understanding made between you and Bishop Dingman at the time of your ordination to the priesthood. In a letter to you in June, 1985. Bishop Dingman asked you to look at your commitment to social justice issues in relationship to ordained ministry. The bishop indicated that your first and primary commitment is to your pastoral work as a diocesan priest. At the present time your pastoral ministry to the people of the parishes of Southeast Warren County must be your priority. You are their pastor and  they need your presence in ministry to them

If you should choose to do acts of civil disobedience which would result in your not being able to fulfill your pastoral duties in the parishes, it will be the responsibility of the Personnel Board and myself to make decisions about how those responsibilities will be covered on either a temporary or permanent basis.

Work and education on issues of social justice are an important part of priestly ministry. Our people need to know the teachings of the Church and how they apply to personal and civic life. You have done much to help raise awareness on many of these issues. my expectation is that you will continue to find ways to do this which are consistent with your primary commitment which it to the people of the parishes in Rosemount, Milo and Lacona.

Your people need your services as a pastor. I encourage you to find an appropriate balance in your social justice work and your pastoral responsibilities.

You indicated that the people of your parishes are expecting to hear from me about your proposal. I ask that you make this letter available to them so they can understand my decision.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Joseph Charron, C.PP.S.

Bishop of Des Moines


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